online offerings made just for you.
The mission of this series is to help you learn how to cultivate inner peace, joy, and calm in your life. Afterall, happiness is an inside job! It is possible or each of us to feel peace, joy, and calm even in the midst of external circumstances that seem stressful. There is no magic here. Inner peace is your birthright! Maybe you’ve just never learned the tools to claim it. Join me as I share practical tools to help you build the peace you seek and deserve.
GETting Grounded
This course is for you if you answer “Yes” to any of these questions:
Are you feeling out of balance lately?
Do the smallest things irritate you or throw you into a tailspin?
Lately, do you often feel that this world is too much for you?
Is it easy to get swept away by other people’s intensity?
Would you like some tools to help you feel more balanced, centered, and grounded?
Join me this fall for this highly beneficial program that will change your life. Our focus for this season is one of my favorite topics: Getting Grounded.
All too often, we humans are flying through our days without a sense of balance. We allow external factors to blow us around and define our day. As a result, we feel stressed, irritated, angry, depleted, and dissatisfied. It is so easy and tempting to point blame outside of ourselves for why we feel this way. We point to the news, a cranky boss, rude customers, congested traffic, an ill child, and so much more. But the fact of the matter is that these situations are all part of life and they won’t be going away anytime soon. They have existed for humans for tens of thousands of years!
What to expect
We all need tools in our toolbox to help us navigate daily life. One of the most important tools is knowing how to ‘Get Grounded’ each day. Whether you are a daily meditator, a weekend yogi, a Sunday church-goer, or just you, the practice of getting grounded is an essential piece to cultivating inner peace and calm in your life.
What You’ll Learn
Who is getting grounded best for (hint = everyone!)
What it means to ‘Get Grounded’
Why it is so essential to your well-being
When is the best time of day to get grounded
Where do you need to be for this to work best
How to get grounded in easy, interesting ways
You will come away from this beneficial course with practical, easy-to-use tools for your toolbox
All Classes on Zoom
Classes are 55 minutes followed with an optional 25-minute Q&A with Susan
Classes will be recorded and available to view if you miss part or all of a class.
Fee: $450