As you travel your path in life, you often desire guidance “from above”.
Even strongly intuitive people can have difficulty sensing what they need to know for themselves. And for those who have not yet developed their intuition, it can be tremendously helpful to ask a skilled intuitive to help you receive your messages.
Intuition is a birthright of all humans, indeed of all creatures. We all come into this world with the ability to “know” what is needed for living life. Yet, school and culture get in the way and around the age of eight, if not before, we turn this ability off.
I can help you to reawaken your own intuitive abilities.
Enjoy the magic of an Intuitive Reading
You receive messages from the Divine through me. You may choose for me to use certain oracle cards or not. I always invite your Spirit Guides, your Guardian Angel, and I always invoke energetic protection around you. I often consult with the Animal Messengers who show up in your life. All messages are only for the highest good of all.
These are most beneficial if you are seeking advice on a particular issue.
Readings are for 30, 60 or 90 minutes.
Energy healing
Each human has a beautiful capacity for self-healing. I offer my gifts to hold space for your energy body to undergo the shifts and changes that it needs to do in order to release energy blockages and begin flowing again. I help you to unlock your ability to self-heal.
Life is energy. The body is an energy field. This energy field can be restored once you know and understand this. I can help you by initiating energy shifts in your field and then teaching you to do them for yourself. It is truly a partnership.
Treat Yourself to an Energy Healing Session!
We will have a 45 minute conversation by phone. The energy shifting will begin during this call. I will ask questions about what is going on in your life with work and family. You will be able to describe to me all that is bothering you, especially physical pains and injuries.
After the call, I will conduct a 30 minute remote energy healing session for you as if you were lying or sitting in my presence. You may lie down and receive it at the same time, wherever you are. Or you may find another time later to lie down and quietly receive it.
After the session, I send you a voice memo with impressions and information I received on your behalf as well as Divinely-inspired tips, tools, and strategies.
Sessions are 75 minutes.
After the first session, follow-up sessions of 45 minutes may be scheduled.