
online offerings made just for you.


The mission of this series is to help you learn how to cultivate inner peace, joy, and calm in your life. Afterall, happiness is an inside job! It is possible or each of us to feel peace, joy, and calm even in the midst of external circumstances that seem stressful. There is no magic here. Inner peace is your birthright! Maybe you’ve just never learned the tools to claim it. Join me as I share practical tools to help you build the peace you seek and deserve.

INVOKing 2024!


Imagine that it’s December 2024 and as you look back over the year you see that it unfolded beautifully! You are the creator of your reality! We each create our life even when we don't realize it. Sometimes we create discomfort, stress, and strain but we don't realize that we've created this. For 2024, allow me to help you create a life of inner peace, joy, and calm. In this powerful workshop, we will invoke (call forth) what you wish to experience in the coming year.

BENEFIT: You will come away with a clear sense of what you desire which sets you up to live into those desires!

In this workshop you will get clear on how you want to feel in the coming year. Feelings/emotions are the drivers of our behaviors, actions, conversations. Everything else flows from the feelings. Thus, we must get clear on how we want to feel.

The exercises in this workshop are rooted in powerful practices from ancient cultures around the world.

This workshop on Zoom offers the fuel that allows goals and resolutions to work. Without this process, goals and resolutions fall flat.

Please join me!

GETTting Grounded!

Coming Soon!

This course is for you if you answer “Yes” to any of these questions:

Are you feeling out of balance lately?

Do the smallest things irritate you or throw you into a tailspin?

Lately, do you often feel that this world is too much for you?

Is it easy to get swept away by other people’s intensity?

Would you like some tools to help you feel more balanced, centered, and grounded?

Join me this fall for this highly beneficial program that will change your life. Our focus for this season is one of my favorite topics: Getting Grounded.

All too often, we humans are flying through our days without a sense of balance. We allow external factors to blow us around and define our day. As a result, we feel stressed, irritated, angry, depleted, and dissatisfied. It is so easy and tempting to point blame outside of ourselves for why we feel this way. We point to the news, a cranky boss, rude customers, congested traffic, an ill child, and so much more. But the fact of the matter is that these situations are all part of life and they won’t be going away anytime soon. They have existed for humans for tens of thousands of years!

What to expect

We all need tools in our toolbox to help us navigate daily life. One of the most important tools is knowing how to ‘Get Grounded’ each day. Whether you are a daily meditator, a weekend yogi, a Sunday church-goer, or just you, the practice of getting grounded is an essential piece to cultivating inner peace and calm in your life.

What You’ll Learn

  • Who is getting grounded best for (hint = everyone!)

  • What it means to ‘Get Grounded’

  • Why it is so essential to your well-being

  • When is the best time of day to get grounded

  • Where do you need to be for this to work best

  • How to get grounded in easy, interesting ways

  • You will come away from this beneficial course with practical, easy-to-use tools for your toolbox

Coming Soon!

  • All Classes on Zoom

  • Classes are 55 minutes followed by an optional 25 minute Q&A with Susan

  • Classes will be recorded and available to view if you miss part or all of a class. 

  • Fee: $450


free workshop: Releasing 2022!

On Monday, December 19th from 6:30-8pm EST

In this free workshop, I will guide you in blessing and releasing 2022.

As we bring anything to an end in our lives it is beneficial to bless it for all that

it offered to us and then to release it so that we can move forward unencumbered.

Set your New Year's Eve festivities off on a beautiful start

by releasing 2022 on December 19th.

BENEFIT: You will come away from this feeling peaceful

about what has been and eager for what is to come!


Life Feels easier when we have healthy boundaries with the people and projects in our life.

February 10, 17, 24, 2022 | Thursdays at 7PM (EST)

This course is for you if you answer “Yes” to any of these questions:

Are you feeling guilty about saying “no” to others?

Lately, do you struggle to carve out time for yourself?

Do you come away from conversations feeling drained and depleted?

Is it easy spending your day helping everyone else and not having time for your own self-care?

Would you like to learn more about how to craft loving boundaries in your life?

Join me this winter for this highly beneficial program that will change your life. The focus this season is something all of us need ongoing throughout life — setting boundaries.

Boundaries are an absolute necessity for being human. We cannot escape having to interact with people on a daily basis, unless you are a hermit! But even a hermit has to come out of the woods to interact with someone to get food and fuel. When we interact with others it is crucial that we know how to convey a sense of ownership over our time and energy. When we are not able to do this, we come away feeling drained, overwhelmed, irritated, and powerless.

Boundaries create a structure to guide our interactions. Not only do we need to have boundaries for our interactions with other people, we also need boundaries (structure) around our time and our projects. 

When we do not have healthy, productive ways of creating boundaries, we rely on unhealthy ways to cope with the way we feel as a result. We may have anger which can manifest as judgement and criticism of others. We may use substances like food, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs to deal with the anger, anxiety, frustration and irritation that results.

What to expect

In this course, you will learn powerful, highly effective ways to establish healthy, loving boundaries. When practiced on a consistent basis, these tools will lead you to feel empowered and to have control over your life, your time, and your energy.

As a shamanistic practitioner, in my signature style, I will teach your practical tools and strategies that are grounded in the concept of energy, vibration, and love. I will introduce you to animal totems (animal spirit guides) who teach us about boundaries (hint = armadillo and turtle!)

What You’ll Learn

  • WHO needs to set boundaries (YOU!)

  • WHAT are the benefits of crafting loving boundaries

  • WHY is it crucial, from an energy perspective, to craft and maintain boundaries

  • WHEN to use various boundary techniques depending on the situation

  • WHERE your boundaries are

  • HOW to craft boundaries in easy ways that are loving to myself and others

  • You will come away from this beneficial course with easy-to-use tools for your toolbox

FEB 10, 17, 24
Thursdays at 7PM (EST)

  • All Classes on Zoom

  • Classes are 55 minutes followed by an optional 25 minute Q&A with Susan

  • Classes will be recorded and available to view if you miss part or all of a class.

  • Fee: $250

INVOKing 2022!

On Thursday, January 20th from 7-9pm EST

Imagine that it’s December 2022 and as you look back over the year you see that it unfolded beautifully! You are the creator of your reality! We each create our life even when we don't realize it. Sometimes we create discomfort, stress, and strain but we don't realize that we've created this. For 2022, allow me to help you create a life of inner peace, joy, and calm. In this powerful workshop, we will invoke (call forth) what you wish to experience in the coming year.

BENEFIT: You will come away with a clear sense of what you desire and how to manifest those desires!

free workshop: Releasing 2021!

On Thursday, December 30th from 7-8:15pm EST

In this free workshop, I will guide you in blessing and releasing 2021.

As we bring anything to an end in our lives it is beneficial to bless it for all that

it offered to us and then to release it so that we can move forward unencumbered.

Set your New Year's Eve festivities off on a beautiful start

by releasing 2021 on December 30th.

BENEFIT: You will come away from this feeling peaceful

about what has been and eager for what is to come!